802.3 ethernet ii

Hello I wonder what is the difference between the two Ethernet frame types -Ethernet II and IEEE 802.3- apart from the Type/Length field? And what are the advantages of one over the other?

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  • 除了Ethernet II這個訊框之外,IEEE 802.3也是經常被使用的訊框之一;IEEE 802.3與Ethernet II訊框,兩者差異在於Ethernet II的2個 位...
    2-1 Ethernet的發展 - ::教師網頁::
  • Each Ethernet frame starts with an Ethernet header, which contains destination and source ...
    Ethernet frame - Wikipedia
  • Hello I wonder what is the difference between the two Ethernet frame types -Ethernet II an...
    Ethernet II and IEEE 802.3 - 5196 - The Cisco Learning ...
  • The Ethernet Version II frame format is slightly different from the IEEE 802.3 frame forma...
    Ethernet II Versus IEEE 802.3 | Ethernet | InformIT ...
  • I was reading through some of the documentation available on the support forum where i fou...
    Ethernet II Vs IEEE 802.3 Frame format | LAN, Switching and ...
  • Ethernet II和802 3在卷一中:(章节二:数据链路层)在T C P I P协议族中,链路层主要有三个目的:(1)为I P模块发送和接收I P数据报;(2 )为A R P...
    Ethernet II和802.3 - 网络协议TCP - 红黑联盟
  • Isolation requirements for Power over Ethernet (802.3-2005/Cor 1) 802.3av 2009 10 Gbit/s E...
    IEEE 802.3 - Wikipedia
  • IEEE P802.3cd 50 Gb/s, 100 Gb/s, and 200 Gb/s Ethernet Task Force. IEEE P802.3.2 (IEEE 802...
    IEEE 802.3 ETHERNET - LMSC, LANMAN Standards Committee ...
  • Solved: hi guys, there are 2 types of Ethernet framing: 802.3 and Ethernet II. according t...
    Solved: Ethernet 802.3 vs. Ethernet II Frame - Cisco Support ...
  • The biggest difference between Ethernet II and 802.3 is the fields of their Ethernet heade...
    What is the Difference Between Ethernet II and IEEE 802.3? – ...